Chronicles of Avel

โญ 9/10
๐ฅ 1-4 players
๐ 60-90 minutes

In Chronicles of Avel you fight together to defeat the main monster at the end of the last round. If you manage to ensure that no monsters can reach the castle at the end, you win the game together.
The game actually consists of two phases. The first stage is in preparation for the appearance of the main monster. In this first phase, you develop your character over several rounds to make it stronger. The board is composed of several tiles, with a number of them being open by default and the rest being closed. Monsters are also placed on some of these tiles.
On your turn, you may take two actions. You can choose from various options. You can take 2 steps on the board and discover new tiles that are still face down. Or you can perform an action listed on the tile you are standing on. AND finally, you can fight monsters for rewards.
These rewards can mean money but also upgrades for your character. These will appear on your player board where you can equip your character with a weapon, shield and helmet. These upgrades will make your character stronger in battle with monsters. These battles happen by means of dice.
When the first phase (number of rounds) is over, the second phase begins. In this phase, the main monster enters the field and will try to find its way towards the castle just like all the remaining monsters. NOW the players must make sure that all monsters are defeated before they can get to the castle. After everyone has had a turn, all monsters take a step towards the castle.
If you manage to defeat all monsters, you win the game together.

Chronicles of Avel is a fun game that is well put together. It is also very suitable for children to play. It’s a nice first introduction to a dungeon crawler for the whole family. It will also be a good game for experienced players to play.
The structure of the game is well put together with developing your character and fighting against different monsters. The difficulty of the game is to choose and with that it is really a challenge.
Besides how the game plays, everything looks very good. The artwork is fantastic and the quality of the parts is very good. The dual-layered player boards also look good.
In short, this is really recommended. A game not only for children but which you can also have a lot of fun with as an adult.