VIticulture World

โญ 9/10
๐ฅ 1-6 players
๐ 120 minutes

In Viticulture World together you will try to become wine masters on the different continents of the world. It is an extension to play Viticulture cooperatively as opposed to competitively.
The game plays largely the same as the base game, but there are of course a number of important changes.
In addition to a completely new board with many recognizable actions, new actions are also possible. Also an important update is that it is now possible to obtain innovation tiles. With this you can improve actions or ensure that multiple workers can be on the same action.
The workers have also changed. You start with all your workers, but the little workers now have a yellow or blue hat on. These are the so-called seasonal workers. These can only be used during the summer or winter. The workers can be upgraded to all-round worker so that they can be used in both seasons.
Besides managing your own vineyard and producing your own wines, you are able to trade with the other players to help each other. This is also really necessary to be able to win the game.
You choose a continent per game, which gives you event cards. Each continent has its own difficulty level. The event cards give you a possible extra action every round or a rule that changes for that year. After 6 rounds/years the game ends. The players win when they all have 25 points and 10 innovation points

Viticulture World is of the same quality as the base game. The components are of good quality, as we expect from Viticulture. It’s amazing how a competitive game can be turned into a cooperative game. The game plays well and interaction is really necessary. When each player only goes for his own vineyard, it is almost impossible to reach the ultimate goal. This creates the right interaction between the players.
With the different continents, the game remains challenging and there is no standard tactic to follow. Even the first continents can be quite a challenge to win.
Due to the interaction, the game does take longer than the base game because you now have to discuss more about possible next steps. But this doesn’t take away from the fun for us. Although it is of course always good to pay attention that not one player will determine everything.
The seasonal workers give a nice twist, just like the possibilities with the innovative tiles. These nice changes make it a very nice addition to the collection for us to be able to play cooperatively.